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Record Viewer

How to use the record viewer window in Directory

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over a year ago

Solomon's Directory has a built-in viewer to allow you to dig-down into the records you hold in your database.

These viewers work for any of the tabs in Directory - from Businesses and People to Activities, Projects and Tasks.

Left Side - Editable Fields

At the top of the left side you will see an overview of the record you have opened - this will usually be any key indicators (debtor, levy amounts, risk) as well as contact details.

You can then click Edit to make these fields available for editing, which will appear on the left and you can type directly into these.

Right Side - Overview

This side of the viewer allows you to review a summary of the relationships the record you have open has. It also contains a number of quick-edit tools (such as 'Add/Create') that will open another window in front of the record.

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