Create Guest logins

How to give levy payers and BID customers permissions to access Solomon

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over a week ago

Solomon offers Users 3 levels of access. You have the top level Administrator permissions, Contributor - both which are Collaborators, and lastly Guest permissions.
This article will focus on Guest permissions and how you as an Administrator can create people's logins.

Who are Guests?

They are users, often levy payers, that have read-only access to their business timeline and any dashboards that have been created.

How do I create a login for a Guest?

1. In the Business field click to view the Business from the table.

2. This will open 'Edit Mode: Business
3. In this window click on People - Manage

4. If the person already exists, click edit, if not - create the person

5. The details you must fill in to create the login are as follows:

  • Click Yes, person can login to Solomon

  • Unique login Email

  • Password

  • First Name

  • Click Save once you have completed the relevant information

You will need to send the user their login information including the URL for the Solomon system

Once the Guest logs into Solomon they will be directed to a welcome page. They will also be able to view the Timeline of the Business that they are associated with.
If the Guest has multiple businesses they can switch to the one they wish to view.


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