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Exporting Filtered Data from the Directory
Exporting Filtered Data from the Directory

How you can export the exact data from Businesses and People once they have been filtered.

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over a week ago

Exporting Filtered Data

  1. Select the data you wish you filter, for this example, we are filtering by Tag

  2. You can filter as many columns are you require though

  3. To export the rows that you can see in the Directory after filtering, go to 'Export Businesses' or Export People' depending on which table you are in. Do not choose Export Email List or Postal List.

  4. Once you have clicked Export Businesses/People, you will see a pop-up, please click Filtered Data.

  5. This will create a CSV file with your filtered data.

For information on exporting emails and exporting with filters please see here

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