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Scoping - select the availability of Tags for different records
Scoping - select the availability of Tags for different records

Manage your Tags in a new way with our scoping feature, allowing you to make Tags unavailable for certain records.

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over a week ago

To manage the Tags in your Directory we have introduced a method that allows you to turn off certain Tags for different options.

A good example of when this would be required would be turning off certain Tags for all Activities. This ensures out and about users logging Activities will have a limited amount of Tags to choose from. Therefore making their daily logging much faster and easier, blocking out any tags that are not relevant to Activities.

For instance, you may use the Tag ' Coffee ' for multiple Businesses but will not need this Tag for any Activities.

You can make Tags unavailable for all records below:

  1. Businesses

  2. People

  3. Activities

  4. Tasks

  5. Collaborators

  6. Projects

To get started, it is as simple as editing a Tag through 'Manage Tags'

  1. Navigate to Directory Settings

  2. Manage Tags

  3. View the Tag in question

  4. Listed are the 6 records that the Tag is available on

  5. Click yes or no on the records and then save.

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