Our BID Insights Report allows you to filter and view your BID Area based on specific business criteria you set.
What can the BID Insights Report do?
Using the configure button at the top of the page you can set which businesses you'd like to see in the report. You can filter by Areas, Sectors, Project involvement, Tags or Collaborators.
Use the filter drop-downs to include/exclude specific business groups. Such as if they are a Levy Payer, Debtor, their Trading Status, Risk score or Occupancy.
Use the green stat indicators (above the map) to view an overview of the number of Businesses, how many are Levy Payers, the Levy they represent and their total Rateable Value.
View the location of the businesses the Map that meet your filtered criteria. You can toggle between specific pins or a heat-map using the switch below the map.
Use the Charts to see the breakdown of which businesses fit your criteria - either by the number of businesses or the levy amount they represent.
Using the Word Cloud, visualise the filtered businesses and the levy amounts that they represent in one simple graphic.
Use the Tables to see the breakdown of your selected businesses. If they apply to them you will see Tables for Area, Collaborators, Projects or Tags.