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Creating A Project
Creating A Project

How to create a Project in Vicinity

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over 6 months ago

Before you start creating your Projects it might be helpful to watch our webinar πŸ‘‰πŸ»Getting the most out of Activites, Projects and Tasks to understand how they all link together and how you use Activities to populate your project and the businesses that have benefitted from the project or helped you to deliver it in some way.

To create a Project in Vicinity you'll need to navigate to the 'Projects' tab in the header of the Directory, from here you can now use the '+' button to create a new Project Record πŸ‘‡πŸ»

What does my Project need?

To make the most of your new Project you will need to:

  1. Give it a title that is easy to identify

  2. Add a description - give an overview of the Project

  3. If the Project has already started, you can manually change the % progress of the Project via the progress bar to represent where you are up to.

  4. Enter the start date and end date if known

  5. On the right of the Record Viewer, you can now add your relationships to the Project to start to build your Record of what and who has been involved (see below).

Adding Relationships

  • Contributor Businesses - This space is for any Business that has contributed to the running of the Project. This may be a supplier, delivery partner or someone on the Steering Group.

  • People - As above, add any people who are contributing to the project's delivery.

  • Tasks - If you have logged any Tasks related to the project already, you can manually add them here. Don't worry as future Activities can be added as you create them. If you've not started yet, leave this empty.

  • Activities - If you have logged any Activities related to the project already, you can manually add them here. Don't worry as future Activities can be added as you create them. If you've not started yet, leave this empty.

  • Areas - If the project is only applicable to a specific area, you can add this here.

  • Tags - To add context to a Project you can use tags to paint a better picture of what was delivered e.g. 'Improving Environment' to let you know what area of your business plan the project sits.

  • Collaborators - Use this to add in any members of your team that are involved in delivering the Project.

Then you're all set! Click the Save Button to create the Project.

Adding Beneficiaries

Once your Project is created the way you can show Businesses have benefitted from this is by linking the Activity you have delivered to both the Business and the Project.

You can search our collection of help articles here πŸ‘‰πŸ» Vicinity Help Desk or we have a useful video of using the system basics here πŸ‘‰πŸ» Back to Basics

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