About Projects

An overview of the Projects feature in Solomon

Lisa Machin avatar
Written by Lisa Machin
Updated over a week ago

What are Projects?

Projects are like individual filing cabinets to group together information about your initiatives.

Each project has a title, description, start date, end date, and a progress (%) bar.

Projects allow you to record the Businesses, People and Tasks that have contributed to running a Project as well as those who have benefited via linked Activities.

Rather than using Tags, this allows you to add time-period specific groups into your data without clogging up your Tags list once the Project is complete.

You can access Projects via a tab in the Directory header. Here you can view all of the projects you have created and open them to view more.

Please see this video below that shows us how we can create a Project, associate several records including Businesses, People, Activities and Tasks to it.
It also shows how you can create an Activity and add the project to the Activity.


By using Projects, Solomon's powerful reporting tools allow you to easily report back on participation and who that initiative has (or has not) benefitted.

Many of the Reports in Solomon's Reporting Suite now allow you to search or filter using your data's relationship with your Projects - where this is possible 'Projects' now appears as a button in the filter tools at the top of each Report.

To help you understand who has been involved and benefited from a Project, we have also created a bespoke Project Participation Report.

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